Monday, May 18, 2015

Nursing care of patients with PLP

How, as nurses, can we provide the best care for patients with phantom limb pain?

This is a difficult question.  One of the best ways a nurse can help a patient with PLP is by doing very thorough pain assessments.  Since nurses have the most contact time with a patient, we are better able to assess and provide updated treatment courses for patients in pain.

As nurses, we can help a patient with PLP, by finding other methods that could work to relieve their pain, other than pain medications (which don't work well for controlling PLP).  Some of these include distract, hot/cold packs, guided imagery, and exercise.  A lot of times, patients need moral support and encouragement to help them cope with the pain.  As nurses we can be there for patients to talk to and support.

According to one article, normalizing PLP and helping patients understand that it is a common occurrence can positively effect patients.  Furthermore, nurses dealing with patients who have PLP should keep up to date on treatment modalities involving imagery and imagining movement in the phantom limb, which have been shown to positively effect PLP.


Fieldsen, D., & Wood, S. (2011). Dealing with phantom limb pain after amputation. Nursing Times, 107(1), 21-23.  

Richardson, C. (2008). Nursing aspects of phantom limb pain following amputation. Br J Nursing British Journal of Nursing, 17(7), 422-426.  

1 comment:

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